Personal Shoot
Customer chooses was subject of the shoot is. Limited to 1-2 subjects per session. Subjects can vary based on selection of the customer (i.e. pet, child, vehicle, themselves, etc.)
Professional/Profile Shoot
Regardless if it’s for business photos, acting profiles, LinkedIn, or whatever else, these simple one subject shoots will give you more than enough to show your business side. Consists of various outfits if customer desires (recommended)
Engagement Photos
Two subjects, various outfits, and various outfits at the discretion and agreement of both the photographer and customer.
Family Photos/Portraits
Family photos can consist of group photos with multiple subjects, and/or individual portraits if customer desires.
Business Photos
Professional photos for businesses and their assets/amenities. This includes building, offices, staff, equipment, locations, lots, any many more depending on what businesses desire. Prices vary on how much business needs photographed. Price guaranteed to be agreed on by both parties before photos are taken.
Any type of event that needs photographed. Sports event, concert, speech, the list goes on. Flat rate for entire event, including before event and post-event. Price can be negotiated based on type of event and length of event.